DUNI through the years...
Here we tell you the story of DUNI
We back to play DUNI in Palermo, near the Rosedal, every saturday from 11 AM
A very special day with the visit of Lionel Garretón – Cofré and our friends from “La Puente Lúdica”
Unquillo, Córdoba. Argentina, June 2010 DUNI teaching to children of the Vélez Sarsfierld primary school
Palermo, Bs. As. Argentina. Demostration of DUNI, by members of the Argentine federation of DUNI
2008, March, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Every Sunday in Palermo, in addition to teaching DUNI to play for free, the Argentine DUNI Association holds a free Cores draw for children!!!
Beginner DUNI players practice on the beach in Lima, Peru.
2008, May, Houston, Texas, United States. “The DUNI arrives in the United States.”
2008, León, Spain, The Book is published: "The DUNI, a Universal Sport to play With, and not against people," research of the graduate in Physical Education, by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Madrid (Polytechnic University ), Carlos Barnechea Alvarez.
2006, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, “The 1st Municipal League of DUNI is born in Mexico and the 1st Municipal Tournament is inaugurated.”
2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina. For the third consecutive year, DUNI activities continue in Palermo…
2003, 2004 (Annual Activity):
"Forest of Palermo" (Buenos Aires, Argentina): "The DUNI begins to be disseminated and is integrated into the program of activities of the City government: "Buenos Aires in slippers"...
General Directorate of Sports of the C.A.B.A Government: Meeting with the Coordinator of the Artistic, Sports and Recreational Program for people with special abilities and with the Events coordinator.
Boca Juniors Club: Meeting with the President of the Sports Activities Department and the President of the Physical Department.
Polideportivo del predio de Ezeiza: Invitación al Grupo de Duni para realizar demostraciones.
Parque Chacabuco, Polideportivo de C.A.B.A.: Práctica de DUNI con chicos y personas con necesidades especiales.
Call for the "Children's Day" at the City Government Sports Center in Mataderos.
“Argentine Scout Association:” Meeting with the Graduate and National Director of Education and the President of the Argentine Scout Association.
Santiago de Chile, Chile: "In various universities and colleges in Santiago de Chile, students begin to practice DUNI"...
Año 2024 Palermo, visitas a colegios, entre otros...

Año 2023 Palermo, Polideportivo Onega, Parque Sarmiento, Matheu, visitas a colegios, entre otros...

Diciembre, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Noviembre, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Octubre, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Septiembre, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Agosto, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
2 de Julio, Año 2022 , Matheu, Encuentro de Educadores
Los amigos de 'La Puente Lúdica' invitaron a todos los Dunistas a participar del evento 'Encuentro de Educadores, segunda edición' el sábado 2 de julio en Old Man 411 (Matheu, Provincia de Buenos Aires). Fue un evento, abierto a todo el público, libre y gratuito.
Julio, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Junio, Año 2022 , Palermo y Villa Pueyrredón (Polideportivo Onega), Buenos Aires, Argentina
A las actividades de los días sábados, en Palermo, sumamos entrenamientos los días jueves de 19 a 20 hs. en el Polideportivo Onega de Villa Pueyrredón!!!
Mayo, Año 2022 , Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abril, Año 2022 , Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
March, Year 2022, Dominican Republic
Our dear friends of DUNI, Andre and Rober, spread DUNI (Universal Sports) in many places in the Dominican Republic. Thank you very much for your work!!!
March, Year 2022, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
February, Year 2022, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
January, Year 2022, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
We started 2022 with new friends who came to learn and enjoy the DUNI. Thank you all so much for joining us!
December 18 2021, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
On this very special day, we had a visit from the Creator of the DUNI. Thank you very much Lionel for such an extraordinary sport!!! Thanks also to our friends from "La Puente Lúdica", Lule and Fabio, for joining us!!!
2021 December, Palermo, Bs As, Argentina
2021 December, Palermo, Bs As, Argentina
Beach DUNI, at night, on the beach volleyball courts at Buenos Aires township
2021 November, Palermo, Bs As Argentina
2021 October, Palermo, Bs As Argentina
2021 September, Palermo, Bs As, Argentina
2021 August, Palermo, Bs As Argentina
We play DUNI in the Palermo Woods.
DUNI training resumes for all those interested in practicing and benefiting from this unique UNIVERSAL SPORT!!!
2010 June, Unquillo, Córdoba, Argentina
The DUNI is introduced in a city of the province of Córdoba
DUNI teaching to children of the Vélez Sarsfierld primary school
2009 September, Palermo, Bs As Argentina
Demonstration of DUNI in the "Forests of Palermo"
Members of the Argentine Federation of DUNI, carry out a demonstration in the Palermo Woods.
2008 October, León, Spain
FCAFD (Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte), de León, España.
Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Legio VII de León, España.
INEF (Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Física), de León, España.
The DUNI is currently in the practical content curriculum at the FCAFD (Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences) of León, in addition to the Legio VII Secondary Education Institute of León, where Carlos Barnechea Álvarez works, author of the book: “ The DUNI, a Universal Sport to play With, and not against people.” In Castilla y León, it has been disseminated during 2007 and 2008, in several courses for PE professionals, taught by the author, with great acceptance. (Carlos Barnechea Álvarez, 2008, p.15)
According to the "National Resource Center for Special Education" (CNREE 1990), the disabled person is anyone who presents, temporarily or permanently, some alteration in their locomotor, hearing or visual apparatus due to a deficient functioning in the system. bone-articular, muscular and/or nervous, etc…, and that, to some extent, limits some of the activities that other people can carry out, but not all (…) However, and for all disabled people, we can find a series of common adaptations (...) (Carlos Barnechea Álvarez, 2008, p.103)
Work should be done, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the degree of deficiency, on activities that improve:
1. The corporal scheme and laterality (improves with the DUNI)
2. The coordinations (improvement with the DUNI)
3. The balances (the DUNI improves the dynamic and postural adjustment)
4. The space-time organization (DUNO improves both topological relationships and speeds, distances, etc…)
5. Basic physical qualities (we have already mentioned that DUNI is a "sweet" aerobic sport (...))
6. Socialization (The DUNI played as a team makes sharing experiences, fellowship and enjoyment)
(Carlos Barnechea Álvarez, 2008, pág.105)
Note: The quotes and photos belong to the book: "The DUNI, a universal sport to play WITH, not against people," author: Carlos Barnechea Álvarez, 2008, León, España.
2008 May, Houston, Texas, USA
DUNI arrive to USA!!!
2008 May 21
On May 20, 2008, a delegation from the Argentine DUNI Association arrived in Houston, Texas, USA. Its mission is to spread this wonderful "New Universal Sport". Since the Argentine delegation arrived in the US; has not left, together with the members of the International DOONEE Ball Association, to make presentations, to attend conferences in newspapers and radio stations in the city.
March 2008, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Every Sunday in Palermo, in addition to teaching how to play DUNI for free, the Argentine DUNI association holds a free Cores raffle for children!!!
March 2008
In Argentina, the DUNI is released completely free of charge, by the Argentine Association of DUNI; and does not yet have any subsidy.
Photo: Some of the members of the Argentine Association of DUNI: In the center, Mr. Lionel Garretón Cofré, (creator of the DUNI). Back row from left to right: Tamara Isa, Sofía Rodríguez, Matías Bodnar, Gabriela Ramos, Cintia Lutman. Front row: Natalia Bertola, Silvana Sani, Víctor Hugo Rodríguez.
The Argentine Association of DUNI, “UNIVERSAL SPORTS”
invites all children, youth, adults, the elderly of all social classes, of all cultures, races, creeds, religions, etc. to join the FREE ACTIVITIES that we do every Sunday in Palermo.
Draw of March 23, 2008.
Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (more than 50 children participated). For all children between the ages of 3 and 8 approximately, we raffle 3 Cores for free every Sunday!!!
Draw of March 23, 2008.
Some of the winning children of the DUNI raffle, along with members of the Argentine DUNI Association: María Cecilia Yanucci, Víctor Hugo Rodriguez and Natalia Bertola.
2006, Victoria City, Tamaulipas, Mexico
The 1st Municipal DUNI League is born in Mexico
“Victoria City, Tamaulipas”
“The 1st Municipal League of DUNI is born in Mexico!!!”
The first board of directors of the Municipal League of DUNI in Ciudad Victoria took protest, whose president is María del C. Torre Cantú.
In addition, they already play DUNI in the primary educational institutions of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas!!!
“The 1st Municipal DUNI Tournament is inaugurated in Mexico!!!”
The DUNI is considered in Mexico as: "The Sport of the future". In the Manuel Raga Navarro Gymnasium, 12 teams from different educational institutions that participated in the “1st Municipal DUNI Tournament” took the roll call.
Present at the event were: Mr. Lionel Garretón Cofré, (creator of the DUNI), Sergio Manoutou Villareal, Gil Aguilar, Enrique de la Garza Ferrer, Consuelo Torre Cantú, (president of the DUNI Municipal League).
In the photo:
Mr. Lionel Garretón Cofré (creator of the DUNI), together with Consuelo Torre Cantú and the municipal authorities of Ciudad Victoria.
Year 2005, DUNI in the Forests of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
For the third consecutive year, DUNI activities continue in Palermo
For the third consecutive year, DUNI activities continue in Palermo.
Every weekend, the members of the Argentine DUNI Association invite all visitors to the Park to practice DUNI.
2004, Santiago de Chile, Chile
"In several universities and schools in Santiago de Chile, students begin to practice DUNI"...
August 26, 2004.
“Universities of the Americas”,
(Antonio Varas Headquarters).
1st year students of the Physical Education and Sports Career playing DUNI with a COR of 1,200 grams. Santiago de Chile.
August 27, 2004.
Left photo:
Students of the 1st year of the Physical Education and Sports Career of the "University of the Americas". Santiago de Chile.
September 29, 2004.
"Salvador Sanfuentes School".
8 and 9-year-old students from 3º B Basic Education playing DUNI. Santiago de Chile.
2003, 2004 in Argentina
The DUNI begins to be disseminated in the forest of Palermo, (Buenos Aires), and is integrated into the program of activities of the Government of CABA: "Buenos Aires in slippers"
In an activity for the whole family, the DUNI begins to be spread free of charge in the forests of Palermo, Buenos Aires, in front of the Rose Garden. All visitors to the Park are invited to join the activity; whose objective is that everyone can learn to play this New Universal Sport WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
In the photo on top: (from left to right, back row):
Damián Broy, Cecilia Strobino, Silvana Sani, Lionel Garretón Cofré, Alejandra Gottig, Susi Bochini, (bottom row):
Roberto Ape, Gabriela Ramos, Gladys and Carlos.
In the photo on the left:
A mixed match of DUNI:
Men's team: Nicolás Rusatti, Gustavo, Tony Bruckle. Women's team: Silvana Sani, Silvana Strobino, Johana Cabrera.
July 8, 2004
EVENT: Meeting with Mr. Carlos Cascudo, Coordinator of the Artistic, Sports and Recreational Program for people with special abilities.
INVITATION: To join the sports practices that take place in the Sports Centers: Sarmiento Park, Chacabuco Park, Avellaneda Park, National Rehabilitation Center for people with disabilities.
July 8, 2004
EVENT: Meeting with Mr. Esteban Milano, Events Coordinator
INVITATION: To join the sporting events organized by the General Directorate of Sports and to participate in the summer camps.
21 de Julio del 2004
EVENT: Meeting with the President of the Sports Activities Department, Mr. Oscar Ríos, and the President of the Physical Department, Mr. Horacio Anselmi, to offer demonstrations at the club.
INVITATION: To a demonstration at the inauguration of the Club's Pools in January 2005, offering them the broadcast on their channel "Boca TV".
Teaching DUNI to children and young people at the Ezeiza Sports Center and instruction at the Parque Chacabuco City Government Sports Center.
August 8, 2004.
PLACE: “City Government Sports Center in Mataderos”.
EVENT: Call for the "Children's Day", made by the city government. The sports directors of the city government participated: Messrs. Camilo Scorpariti (Deputy Director General Directorate of Sports of the City Government), Esteban Milano (Events Coordinator), Guillermo Buzzo (Program Coordinator, General Directorate of Sports. Secretariat of Production, Tourism and Sustainable Development) and the members of the First DUNI Club.
August 18, 2004.
PLACE: "Argentine Scout Association".
EVENT: Meeting with María Isabel V. de Amor, National Director of Education, and Professor Gabriel Luis Paccioretti, President of the Argentine Scout Association.
INVITATION: The Association invited us to train the pack instructors of the Scout Association of Argentina.
March 2003, Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico
"The DUNI arrives in Mexico... in the City of Tampico"...
March 2003
From the hand of its creator, Mr. Lionel Garretón Cofré; DUNI arrives in Mexico!!!
The newspaper: "El Sol de Tampico", publishes a note presenting the DUNI in the UNIDEP: Sports Unit of that city.
“At the presentation of this new sport, which by the way is Tampico where it begins its promotion in Mexico, were among others , Ing. José Elías Sosa Clemente, director of Sports of the Tampico City Council and the Chilean-Argentine Lionel Garretón Cofré, who is the creator of this discipline”….
DUNI exhibition in Tamatán Olympic Village, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. One of the Mexican newspapers of Ciudad Victoria quotes:
... "Lionel Garretón Cofré, born in Chile,resident in Argentina for many years, has been touring large cities in Mexico. He was recently in Tampico, on Monday he visited Ciudad Victoria and this week he will offer an exhibition and press conference in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
Lionel en su juventud practicó Atletismo, entre otros deportes, pero se interesó por una nueva disciplina deportiva donde no hubiera tanta violencia, tanto roce físico, ni agresiones mucho menos”…
The Welcome City of the DUNI was Tampico, in Tamaulipas. Then the DUNI continued to spread through Ciudad Victoria and Monterrey, among other cities.!!!!
The reception in the Mexican Republic, of this New Universal Sport without violence, was wide and remarkable. The media actively collaborated with all this work to publicize this wonderful and innovative sport.
In the photo: Gaby Ramos with Pablo Goicoechea, both DUNI instructors in Mexico.
January 2003, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Official and Public Launch of the DUNI Worldwide".
January 2003
Beaches of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The "Official, public and worldwide launch of the DUNI is carried out !!!"
For the first time in the history of humanity, the DUNI is publicly disclosed; which is the first Sport in the world WITHOUT VIOLENCE; and that is also based on 5 very important UNIVERSAL LAWS!!!